Dealing with Fear
By Diane Arnold
The fear that has been hovering under our culture is crazy and it is driving us crazy. We don't really understand what's going on, because we are all watching TV or reading the news.
One day we were watching the stock market madness and I turned to my husband and said:
"What's going on today with the stock market?” and obviously he said, "I don't know"
I said: "but I don't understand why yesterday, and the day before, I was getting several notifications and today nothing is happening…”
What science tells us is that fear is a False Evidence Appearing as Reality. That's why we need to make sure that this is really what's going on in our lives today. To be able to check and balance if what we know is true of our past or what we know is a profound truth of our spirit inside of us. it's real? Is this really happening?
I want to challenge each of you today, if you get really scared, if something is really provoking you, really teasing you, spend some time looking into it and saying “what do I know?”, “what do I know about situations in the past that are similar to that?” or even ask to someone “what do I know? Is this really something that is happening to me today? Or is it something that’s just making me scared?”
Sometimes, our emotions cause us to lose ourselves a little. During a time when fear is pressuring us, we can have the other side of the brain regulated a little bit. I would say as someone in the health field, that we know that technically the left side of the brain is dealing with all this real information and the right brain is dealing with our emotional information. When we get really scared, the right side of our brains is completely lit up and we need to be able to balance that with what we know it’s true and certain, whether it’s from the past, present things that are true, we need to be able to slow down and balance that. Because if they are not balanced, they will change my behavior to do all kinds of things that don't make sense.
If you are dealing with fear today, decrease the speed and take a look at the facts "Is that really what is happening to me today?" or " Is it something that someone is trying to get me to find what can happen in the future?”
If you are having trouble with that in your life right now, contact your advisor or an medical professional and let them know what’s going on, especially if you have some really negative symptoms; but remember to check that thought out what's really going on against what can happen in the future.
Let's get through this together.
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