Why Is Porn a Problem?
By Jake Arnold
I want to talk to you about why porn is a problem. Let's dive right in to what we're actually experiencing here with the economics of porn.
When you look at the supply and demand chart, it is a graphic where supply actually meets demand in any type of market supply. We're defining supply as the amount of pornography that actually exists out there on the internet today, and demand we're going to set as your personal consumption of that pornography. In every economic problem, supply and demand seek equilibrium.
When I was growing up, I always heard that pornography doesn't really affect anybody. It only really affects me. It only affects the person that I'm watching it with, which is myself and the TV, or the laptop screen. I want to show you why that's wrong. Let's picture the first time that you actually encounter pornography. As you begin to encounter more pornography, your brain actually requires more dopamine to actually satisfy that same need. Dopamine is actually colloquially known as the reward chemical. The reward chemical is what you get for either doing something that's really hard and achieving some kind of success, either having sex or even working out; that same chemical gets released during that entire thing.
As we encounter the demand curve, and as our addiction to pornography grows, we have to redraw the demand because it's increased. Now we have two, which is effectively our new demand or our new requirement to satisfy that dopamine need. As we stated earlier, the equilibrium has now changed and the supply, it's still the same. But now there's a new equilibrium. But as we move further up the supply curve, the quality of what's being produced goes down, and when I say goes down, I mean, for the porn industry, they'll begin to draw on sources that are not even willing. What I mean by that is there's been a couple of landmark cases that have come out recently talking about where porn actors are coming from. These actors and actresses are actually being sold into slavery to meet your new demand. That's a pretty intense thought to think about.
You can be behind your computer screen connected to sex trade.
That's something for us to think about the next time we try to engage in something that we say is completely harmless for anybody for ourselves.
Think about it.