Building Healthy Communities

One Family at a Time


Where “incredible potential” becomes incredible reality.

Our goal with this collective is to build healthy “families” where “incredible potential” becomes incredible reality. When we know who we are, and we allow others to be who they are, we form the foundation of true community.


Experience Lasting Breakthrough

Online Courses

The way to experience lasting breakthrough in anything you learn on this platform is to walk it out with the people in your life. As such, we are providing opportunities to do so after your eCourse experience. Take a look at some folks below who have taken our courses online, or in-person and see what they have to say

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"We learned a lot on how to communicate better and be better partners."

- Roger and Vanessa


Face to Face Online Marriage Course

Healthy marriage is the cornerstone of strong families. None of us were fully trained to deal with this important relationship.

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Living in the Fear Zone

Given the state of the world around us, we all need to better understand how fear and anxiety work.

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Breaking the Grip of Shame

None of us really talk about shame. Yet all of us has experienced it at some point in our lives.

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Isolation - When Alexa Becomes Your Best Friend

Isolation has grown to become a significant issue for our health and ability to have healthy connections with others.