A Call to Action for Our Generation
I had a profound experience with God and gained a strong understanding about marriage. I realized how the concept of matrimony is at a crossroads, and if our generation doesn't rise to protect its sanctity and importance, it could be lost entirely within just two generations.
The Current Reality
The truth is, this alarming reality is closer than we might think. We are facing a call to action that we simply cannot ignore. Today, the enemy is acting unimpeded, sowing seeds of discord and destruction in our most cherished institutions.
Awareness of the Battle
Part of the reason the enemy has so much legality, power, and influence in this battle against marriage is because we often fail to recognize that a war is indeed raging against this institution, against the family. This ignorance on our part leads to a devastating defeat by default in this battle.
But enough is enough! We need to enter this battlefield and be very intentional about protecting this fundamental institution of family. There is an urgent call to step onto the battlefield!
When entering this field, we need to understand some very important principles. The most crucial of these is the understanding that freedom comes at a cost, and we must be willing to pay that price. This extends beyond the political realm and deeply intertwines with our personal lives. In marriage, freedom is not free!
The Nature of the Battle
In this battlefield, it is our duty to rise and protect key pillars of marriage such as sanctity, unity, and connection. This means being vigilant and proactive in our efforts to nurture and sustain these relationships.
Often, we lack the tools to protect these foundations of marriage. When we become aware of the battle and willingly enter the battlefield, we need specific tools. I like to paraphrase this level of preparation required for war with the analogy of how we should dress and carry ourselves in different scenarios. For example, if we are at the beach, we are in a place of relaxation and our attire is swimwear. However, if we are on a battlefield, our posture needs to be attentive, and our attire should be armor. If someone goes to a battlefield in swimwear, even with good intentions, the chances of success in that war are slim.
Therefore, we need more than just good intentions in this war. We need the "proper attire," which means instruction, training, and access to specific tools.
A Call to Act
In light of all this, it's time to take a stand! To prepare! To align ourselves to confront this war against the family head-on. At TFC, we have the training and tools to equip you for this battle.